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What is



NACC is your opportunity to take off the mask of your persona and step freely outside of common opinions, scheduled food and studio-bound art making and reclaim your natural creative consciousness.

NACC is your chance to make the rules of life and art visible by spontaneously breaking them.

When you participate in a NACC session, you will generate an abundance of divine madness, neural plasticity and discover the first lines of poems which are everywhere in the present moment of HEREDOM.


Who is
Prof Ynot?

Ynot = Tony spelled backwards

Prof Ynot is a reverse engineered, retired professor of art who now gleefully blurs the boundaries between art and life. Prof Ynot no longer professes to put consensus culture knowledge into peoples’ heads. Rather, he is like a zen master, who now takes knowledge out of peoples’ heads and offers to replace it with poetic enigmas, spontaneity, instinctual behavior and flowing access to the present moment.


Step out of your 'somebody suit' with ONWARD


Non-Standard Art Making

NACC will not have standardized art making materials, schedules, timeframes or subject matter. Rather, the creative actions taken within the academy are designed to maximize spontaneity, instinctual behavior and a child-like wonder and awe in this present moment of HEREDOM.


NO stationary brick-and-mortar location

NACC is nomadic, on the move, constantly drifting off center, away from the ‘good opinion of others', away from traditional studio-bound art making and into unknown locations and opportunities to expand your creative consciousness in the eternal now of HEREDOM.


An Ecstatic Alternative to Point B

NACC is an ecstatic alternative to automatically toeing the cartographic grid lines as we ‘drift as aimless as the wind’ through the infinity of POINT A and, like a Zen master, step once and for all out of the illusion that there is a POINT B to reach.


Reclaim Your Natural Creative Consciousness

NACC is a rare opportunity step out of your “somebody suite”, to easily take off the mask of your persona and reclaim your natural creative consciousness in a NACC session.

A Nomadic Academy Session

a three phase approach


De-programming conditioned consciousness

In PHASE 1 of a Nomadic Academy session we will be ecstatically liberating our overly domesticated, logical, linear consciousness to lead the way for full expression of our creative consciousness in PHASE 2


Re-wilding of creative consciousness

In PHASE 2 we will be re-wilding our creative consciousness by tapping into unlimited creativity and spontaneity in this moment of HEREDOM


Re-entry of creative consciousness back into daily life

In PHASE 3 we will develop a number of practical and creative ways to reintegrate the divine madness of our newly awakend and wilded creative consciousness back into daily life

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‘Back the truck up’

Ecstatically liberating our overly domesticated, logical, linear consciousness to open up for phase 2

‘Take care of this moment’


Re-wilding creative consciousness, tapping into unlimited creativity and spontaneity in this moment of HEREDOM

‘Scheduled food
is invariably tasteless’


Practical and creative ways to integrate the divine madness of newly awaking and wilded creative consciousness back into daily life

Kwasi Mensah

Expertise: Work-Life Balance & Productivity


Join the Academy

Attend a Nomadic Academy Session

Regularly in Normal Heights 

In addition to regular Nomadic Academy sessions with Prof Ynot, there will also be visiting speakers, psyche-nauts, edge workers and artists to lead the sessions.

Public or private

Hire Prof Ynot

for you, art schools, your business, your event... the possibilities are endless... 

Unscheduled HEREDOMs

Join our digital contact list to be notified

In addition to the regular sessions, impromptu, spur of the moment creations of ONWARD sessions will happen


So why not join Prof Ynot?


give your creative consciousness an unscheduled holiday from rational thought, spending money and the compulsive belief that POINT B actually exists


dive ONWARD into the wilds of unscheduled HEREDOM and experience the uncanny poetics of spontaneity, your own true nature and unmediated present tense awareness


give up the illusion/delusion that there is ever a POINT B to reach–meaning it is entirely possible to spend an in-determinant amount of time in the uncharted territory of the eternal now of POINT A


empty all your pockets and your mind of who you think you are, leave behind your smart phone, your good name, all forms of “ID”, your reputation and become joyously nobody, drifting serenely and ‘aimless as a cloud’ through the unknown world of HEREDOM

3 Bonus Lectures

Start Your Journey at Here/ Now with 3 Bonus Lectures

Join the Nomadic Academy for Creative Consciousness and get updates about the next ONWARD Session, livestreams, and community events.

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